Who we are

Chicks (from 18 months)
Arianna, Giada and Gloria M.
Tigrotti (mixed 3-4-5 years)
Elena M. and Gloria S.
Teddy bears (4 years)
Elisa and Laura
Dolphins (5 years)
Chiara and Samuele
Foxes (3 years)
Elena C. and Sara
Deputy parish priest and spiritual assistant:
Don Domenico Reverberi
Internal coordinator: Carmela Adani
Chefs: Assunta Colaizzi and Rosaria Marrazzo
FISM pedagogical coordinator:
Dr. Elisa Tamagnini

The director, with the pedagogist, agrees on the organization and staff shifts from year to year , to meet the needs of the children present in the section, in relation to their number and age.
Teachers have an annual amount of hours to dedicate to supplementary activities such as: training, updating, documentation, school-family relations, planning. In the event that there are certified children in the school, pursuant to law 104/1992 the presence of support educators is required.
Once a month or as needed, the nursery and nursery school teachers have a conversation with the coordinator to discuss progress and analyze any situations that deserve particular attention.
Criteria and methods of operation of the
working group
"The teacher is one who lives the educational vocation with intensity and passion but above all with the desire to ensure that the journey undertaken by the students takes place in a dimension of splendor, that the educational and didactic experiences have for them the flavor of events capable of changing their lives, of generating new awareness, of joyfully walking the path that leads to enjoying the splendor of truth, the strength of beauty, the joy of goodness. Ultimately this is the true "miracle" of the educational relationship when unexpected horizons open up to our students and these become significant for their lives."
Andrea Porcarelli
Educating is not simply a job, it is a vocation, an encounter with others, a meeting of souls. In this relationship the child perceives that he is important and precious in the eyes of the adult, who takes care of him with joy. Thanks to this relationship of affection and trust, an environment in which to feel good is created in the school, both between colleagues and with children. This well-being is sacred and we adults have the task of nourishing it every day, because children who breathe an atmosphere of serenity and peace at school (and in the family) develop their learning in joy.
The Elisa Lari nursery school is a big family, especially for the teachers who work there with dedication and love. It is a place where you can find the affection of home, where you are valued for your qualities, where you willingly help each other in difficulties, where it is always possible to learn from others, small or large, where in a daily dialogue between colleagues you are available to welcome fraternal corrections, strengthened by a professional friendship that is created by sharing a passion for education.
Furthermore, the teacher at our school takes care of himself and nourishes his own inner spirituality, in order to transmit the values ​​of Christian life to children, to let them know the love of God and his teachings, especially through the story of the life of Jesus.
Programming ensures respect for teachers' freedom of teaching. Updating and training constitute a commitment for all teaching staff and a task for the administration.
Our school encourages the participation of teachers in various forms of ongoing training:
Periodic local updates promoted by the FISM, the Municipality and other bodies (Creativ, Studio Alfa, Catholic Action, Families in the centre, Movement for Life, Progetto Crescere, Noè Committee, Onde Chiare...)
Training, information and evaluation meetings held by the pedagogical coordinator assigned by the FISM of which the President is Sandra Rompianesi and the pedagogist Elisa Tamagnini.
Collegiality is carried out in the planning phase at the beginning of the year and is achieved in progress through:
the planning of the educational – didactic project of the year;
the identification of transversal objectives specific to the various fields of experience;
the hypothesis of operational paths with the activation of laboratories.
It materializes in:
request of teachers and all staff working in the school for congruent behaviors and skills;
request to adopt coherent attitudes;
common methodological approach, respecting the personality of each teacher;
choice of contents and activities to be carried out in section and intersection;
collaboration in comparison and self-evaluation.
Pedagogical training
The teachers of the school, in addition to participating in updates on technical training (safety, first aid and fire prevention), systematically participate in weekly collectives, in which they discuss and share the planning, the activities carried out and the concrete issues relating to organization of the service in its complexity. The collective is a space and opportunity for verification and self-training. The internal coordinator, supported by the other coordinators and the pedagogical coordinator, plays a fundamental role as she constantly accompanies and supports this style of work based on discussion, listening and dialogue. In addition to the importance of collective work, the pedagogical training offered by Fism is relevant.