Who we are
Deputy parish priest and spiritual assistant:
Don Domenico Reverberi
Internal coordinator: Letizia Iori
Secretary: Cinzia Zanni
Chef: Maria Libera Arienzale
Fism pedagogical coordinator :
Dr. Elisa Tamagnini
Nursery section:
Roberta Disanto
Federica Salatti
Greta Soncini
Section 3 years:
Giorgia Cantarelli
Veronica Motti
Section 4 years:
Linda Campioli
Camilla Prati
Section 5 years:
Elisabetta Meulli
Benedetta Pisi

Training of in-service staff
Teacher training is guaranteed thanks to moments of reflection on educational action during moments of discussion and sharing in the weekly teachers' meeting. Furthermore, the teachers undertake to participate annually in one or more training courses proposed by the FISM or by other educational institutions in the area depending on the themes and training needs that the college itself expresses in agreement with the coordinator.
The teachers and all auxiliary staff also participate in refresher courses required by law regarding safety, first aid and canteen management.

School organisation
Collegial Bodies
The Collegial Bodies are bodies that govern and manage school activities at a local and individual institute level. They are made up of representatives of the various components involved and are divided into Territorial Collegial Bodies and School Collegial Bodies. The collegial bodies of educational institutions are governed by the regulation adopted pursuant to article 21, paragraphs 1 and 2, of Law no. 15 March 1997. 59, according to the principles set out in this law and taking into account the purposes of the aforementioned institutions.
Board of teachers
The Teaching Board is the technical and professional body of the school with general competences in the educational-didactic and evaluation fields. The Teaching Board defines and approves:
the Training Offer Plan;
the educational and didactic profiles of the initiatives, projects and agreements to which the school intends to join or which it intends to promote;
educational-didactic planning;
any other provision connected with the exercise of teaching autonomy.
The Teaching Board is made up of all teachers employed on permanent and non-permanent contracts, serving at the school and is chaired by the coordinator. The Teaching Committee usually meets every week.
Parents' meetings
The parents of the school are asked to participate in two section meetings during the year, one in October, the other in March. The section meetings, normally convened by the teaching staff, have the main objective of verifying the educational progress of the section: only the teachers and parents of the children in the section participate in them. Parent representatives are elected at the meeting at the beginning of the year. This meeting is preceded by a plenary assembly during which the school staff is presented, the budget is explained, the regulations and the school calendar are exposed.
FISM provincial pedagogical coordination
Meeting of coordinators of the city of Reggio Emilia
All the internal teaching coordinators of the Fism schools in the city of Reggio meet monthly for a moment of common reflection and discussion.
Board of teachers
The Teaching Board is the technical and professional body of the school with general competences in the educational-didactic and evaluation fields. The Teaching Board defines and approves:
the Training Offer Plan;
the educational and didactic profiles of the initiatives, projects and agreements to which the school intends to join or which it intends to promote;
educational-didactic planning;
any other provision connected with the exercise of teaching autonomy.
The Teaching Board is made up of all teachers employed on permanent and non-permanent contracts, serving at the school and is chaired by the coordinator. The Teaching Committee usually meets every week.
Parents' meetings
The parents of the school are asked to participate in two section meetings during the year, one in October, the other in March. The section meetings, normally convened by the teaching staff, have the main objective of verifying the educational progress of the section: only the teachers and parents of the children in the section participate in them. Parent representatives are elected at the meeting at the beginning of the year. This meeting is preceded by a plenary assembly during which the school staff is presented, the budget is explained, the regulations and the school calendar are exposed.